Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Cycle killer, qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Feeling pretty sick in my stomach about the ongoing proposals for the development on / next to the cyclepath in Greenbank. There's really just no need. It seems more than insensitive, stupid even, to spoil a green space and annoy cyclists and other users of this linear park, when there's more than enough scope for development within the existing boundary of the old chocolate factory. Besides taking every opportunity to voice my opposition and register objections through the permitted channels and getting friends to do the same, I can't see what else to do. It seems that the council only narrowly rejected, or put on ice, plans to develop the path as a bus route, so I fear that plans to build much needed houses will be approved, thereby setting a precedent for more development along the path and the eventual approval of the bus route proposals.

Despite the need for and value of a wildlife corridor, linear park and priority cycle route, I expect that the developer will convince the council of the higher value and need for housing and the role of the development in regeneration of the area. But can they really be persuaded that slowing and hindering cycling and the destruction of green space is an acceptable outcome ?

The loss of a view and the disturbance caused by a development are not permissable objections, which is not to say that they shouldn't be expressed, although to do so risks being labelled a NIMBY. Nevermind, I've got much worse labels for them, though name calling doesn't get anywhere. It's just that the chaos and noise around there when it all starts, together with the development of an athletics track and floodlights on the Packer's Field will make the area unbearable for months leaving horrible scars when it's finished.

vowles the green
the story of a hedge
bristol traffic
green bristol blog

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