Monday 18 May 2009

Mr Brown Bag

Yes Mr Brown Bag, I'm taking a piccie of you and your car, parked on a double yellow line at 9 a.m. on Church Road. Stay where you are, and hopefully you'll get squashed by a bus.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Take a stand

I might moan about pathetic cycle parking facilities at major supermarkets, that's because they're multinational corporations that are happy to dedicate acres to car parking, but one thing that's never bothered me cycling around this city daily for over a decade, is a lack of places to leave my bike.

The council, however, have decided that it's a good idea to liberally sprinkle the pavements in East Bristol with unnecessary bike stands, adding to the already stupidly cluttered street furniture that includes 10 ft tall metal poles with postage stamp-sized signs on top and signs informing motorists that they're leaving a 20 mph zone and entering, um, a 20 mph zone. Doh !